Remembering All He Has Done This Thanksgiving

“And as God’s grace reaches more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving and God will receive more and more glory.” (2 Corinthians 4:15)

Walk through the gates of any of the units in Gatesville, and this scripture comes alive. With hearts of Thanksgiving we see and hear evidence of His grace reaching our women in white. It is all to His glory.

At this time of year, we pause to remember what God is doing behind the walls. He is breaking every chain. He is setting captives free. He is redeeming lives and reconciling families. And we at Discipleship Unlimited get to be a part of His work.

This year, God led to the creation of our seventh faith-based dorm. This will allow us to reach more than 250 women with reentry programs that prepare them to reenter their communities.

Some of our graduates have never known their worth. They’ve never seen Godly men. They’ve never held jobs except selling drugs or their bodies. Now, through the classes taught in the faith-based dorms, they are learning practical skills to help them make wise choices, walk away from destructive relationships, find suitable housing, look for sustainable employment and, the greatest of all, to walk in His footsteps.

As we reflect on this year, we offer prayers of Thanksgiving for our volunteers. It is the volunteers who pour their time, efforts and heart into these women, week after week. We also give thanks for those who so graciously support this ministry with their finances. We know that you give from your heart in response to His leadership. That is not taken for granted.

For 45 years, our Father has given direction and vision to Discipleship Unlimited. With that vision, He has brought amazing people to walk alongside the ministry with their finances to help reach the women in white. We look around us each week to see the “fields white unto harvest.” We could not reach them without your help. Our hearts are grateful.

So, as we enter this special time of thankfulness, we remember all He has done this year. With grateful hearts, we give glory to God for all He is doing in the hearts of our women. To Him all glory, honor and praise.

We thank God for your prayers and support!

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.

Discipleship Unlimited staff and team