Overcoming the Fear of Reentry

More than 600,000 people will leave prison this year, but many, because of fear of failure, are afraid to set goals or make a plan. We’re taking this fear head on with a curriculum geared for reentry and a team of X-offenders willing to return to prison to provide helpful tools.

Set Free and Returning with Hope

What fun when the women who were once in our faith-based dorms come back into prison, bringing hope as they share their journey of reentry! Four past graduates came in September and inspired the women in Marlin and Gatesville.

Relationship is Key

The common denominator for their success is walking in relationship with Jesus. But also crucial is connecting with other believers in local churches and recovery groups. They come to Reignite and faithfully encourage one another.

Tina: Hobby Faith Dorm Graduate & Small Business Owner

Tina and George fell in love when he was her supervisor on a community service project. They followed God’s design and attended premarital counseling before marriage. Tina designs and recycles clothing though her business Flipped Kouture. George supervises those who recycle documents for Dallas County. They have been called the King and Queen of recycle and consider it an honor since, as Tina says, “God is the master recycler as He redeems, restores, and then places us back into the family fold.”

Melanie: Hilltop Faith-Based Dorm Graduate

Melanie is in Winners Circle. She works two jobs and is in college to become a drug and alcohol counselor. She has teenage children and is restoring her relationship with them. “It’s important to let your children speak the hard things you do not want to hear.” How wonderful for mothers to return home with the power of Jesus. He gives them courage and love to work through fractured relationships.

Amanda: Murray Faith-Based Dorm Graduate

Amanda lives in San Antonio. She made the painful decision to separate from her husband because he continued in their old lifestyle. She works for Goodwill and is teaching job skills. She is active in her local church and is allowing the Lord to do a deep work of healing. 

Tiwangi: Murray Faith-Based Dorm Graduate

Tiwangi ministers with Potter’s House and is passionate about her faith. Her first job was in a tortilla factory. She had to walk more than a mile to catch her bus. It was minimum wage and tough, but she was grateful and persevered. She stayed faithful and was promoted.  

Please Keep Praying

We have a growing team of SET FREE faith-dorm graduates. Our goal is to equip them to do the work of the ministry. Please keep praying for Discipleship Unlimited as we forge ahead both inside and outside of prison walls.